Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Taming Haughty Heart

~~~ Ezekiel 28:1-10 ~~~ 
~~~(Psalm) Deuteronomy 32:26-27AB, 27CD-28, 30, 35CD-36AB ~~~
~~~ Matthew 19:23-30 ~~~

Because you are haughty of heart,
you say, “A god am I!

Perhaps we do not say that we are a god,
but what story do our actions tell?
How do we treat those who are less fortunate than we are?
Do we secretly feel better than those around us?

Haughty...proud, arrogant, snobbish, superior, condescending.
The greatest danger we have for our heart is to be
a condescending person.
Proverbs 12:4 says
Haughty eyes and a proud heart—
the lamp of the wicked will fail.

The Bible footnote is included here for our reflection...

Heart and eyes depict, respectively, the inner and the outer person.
 “Haughty eyes” peering out from a “proud heart”
show a thoroughly arrogant person. How can such a person flourish!
Their lamp, which signifies life, will go out.

If we allow our heart to become arrogant and superior
we are headed down the path leading away from Jesus.
This is what often happens with the acquisition of abundant wealth.

Look at those within our society that gain power
 many of them come to expect treatment worthy of a god. 
The paparazzi swarm around movie stars and athletes as if they were gods.
We have done this to ourselves. We have encouraged
 this haughty attitude, because we support it. 

Jesus says...
"Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich
to enter the Kingdom of heaven..."

Maybe you have not won the lottery...
maybe you have not inherited a great sum of money,
but that does not necessarily mean you are not haughty.
We can all find ways to make ourselves feel better than someone else.
Our challenge is to see others as God sees them
as opposed to seeing them in comparison with ourselves.

Wealth makes one feel superior
 to others, to be more entitled than those with less.
We should not overlook those who do wonderful things with their wealth.
They use their money to make a change to benefit others.

How do we tame our own haughty heart?
I invite you to support your local area charities.
Admit to yourself that all that you  have has come to you from God.

...for God all things are possible.

If you find your heart becoming haughty
 pray for God to lead you toward
 a more loving compassionate attitude.

Whatever God has Blessed you with
 share with those who are less fortunate as often as you can.

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