Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Indelible Ink

~~~ Jeremiah 31:31-34 ~~~ Psalm 51 ~~~ Matthew 16:13-23 ~~~

God no longer needs to take his people by the hand.
He no longer must give them signs in the desert.
From now on he guides and leads us from the inside out...
he has made his way into our hearts.
He writes his loving laws in our hearts with his own unique font.

I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts;
I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

I try to imagine just what this font of God's might look like, if I could see it.
Is it the same for each person or is it a font chosen for each person?
Perhaps it is plain with very straight lines or could it be slanted
with smooth curves on the ends?

I do want God to write in my heart.
But do I have a choice? Is it a prepackaged deal?
Do I need an interpreter as for sign language?
How will I know for sure God has written in my heart?
What if I am not able to understand his words?
Is there a chance that his words will fade away with time?
Will I grow too old and no longer be able to see his words?

Create a clean heart in me, O God.

A clean heart is necessary if I am ever going to be
 able to decipher what God has written on my heart.
The wonderful thing is that God is also the one
who can cleanse my heart.
A cleansed heart may be much like
 I cleaned my old chalkboard in my classroom on Fridays.
The kids would get a bucket of clean water
and rags to wipe down the blackboard from top to bottom.
They looked so clean and ready for the chalk written
 words to appear on Monday morning.

If our heart is like sand paper the words may be distorted...
If there are smudges from previous mishaps
 the message may be too blurry to read.

God is here to keep our spirit steadfast
to give us the willing spirit we long for
deep within our soul.

If we come to him with a clean heart
 his words will materialize within our heart
 and we will without a doubt know who he is.

We are Blessed with a loving God who always keeps his word.
I want God to write on my heart with his indelible ink.
I want God to write on my heart in his special font.
I want God to write on my heart
 the words he has chosen for me...the words I most need to hear
...the words that will lead me ever closer to his side.
May his Peace be in your heart today.

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