Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

As a Little Child

~~~ Ezekiel 2:8-3:4 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 ~~~

Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.

Think about your experiences with little children.
Children rely completely on the parent to fulfill all of their needs.
Children can do nothing for themselves.

A child comes into this world as pure love.
A child comes with joy.
A child comes with arms open wide.
A child comes without judgement.
A child comes without fear.
A child comes without hate or prejudice.
A child comes with a smile from ear to ear.
A child comes to climb in your lap.
A child comes to be held up to your cheek.
A child comes to be caressed.
A child comes to be cherished.
A child comes to be kissed.

A child is dependent on others to meet their needs.
A child is everything God wants us to be.
God wants us to run to him.
God wants us to climb up into his lap.
God wants us to feel happy in his arms.
God wants us take refuge with him.
God wants us to know we are safe with him.
God wants us to sense his great love for us.

God wants to care for us.
God wants to love us.
God wants to forgive us.
God wants to cherish us.

God wants us to come to him as little children...
completely relying on him to keep us from harm.

Those who remember how to be a child
 in the presence of God will have the Kingdom of Heaven.
Those who are meek and humble like a little child will find joy.

Those who come to God as a child will find peace and happiness.
A little child has no fears, cares, worries, or anxieties.
A little child receives love from all around them.

May we find the Blessings today that come from our own child within.
Bless your own child...validate the child's needs.
Believe God takes your little child
as something precious and holy, and sacred.

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