Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, August 4, 2014

Alone to Pray

~~~ Saint John Vianney, Priest ~~~
~~~ Jeremiah 28:1-17 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ Matthew 14:22-36 ~~~

...he went up on the mountain by himself to pray.
When it was evening he was there alone.

Jesus wants to be alone, 
but instead he responds to the needs of the crowd.
He feeds the five thousand, heals many present there,
shares some teachings and finally sends them home.
He also sends the apostles to take the boat
 to the other side of the sea.

At last he can retreat, he has some time alone.
He could have remained there along the edge of the water, 
but instead he makes the solitary walk up the mountain side. 
He goes alone to pray.
Perhaps he is in prayer with the Father concerning
 the brutal murder of his cousin, John.
Perhaps he is in prayer for the five thousand 
whom he had so generously fed.
Perhaps he was in prayer to regain his own spiritual strength.

It takes a great deal of energy to speak to such a large crowd of people.
He had to project his voice so those on the edges
of the group could also hear.
He had to speak over crying children and whispering adults.

Each step up the mountain carries Jesus closer
 to a private place where he could pray undisturbed.
He has so very little time for undisturbed prayer. 
This time is precious to him.
Even the apostles cannot come to interrupt his prayer time;
for he purposefully sent them out on the water.

Jesus models for us the value of private personal prayer...
undisturbed prayer when possible.
In reality we might see his whole public ministry as a prayer,
but Jesus took time out, time away for his prayer.

His prayer was the intimate conversation of a Son speaking to his Father.
Perhaps they needed no formal spoken words.
Perhaps they simply communicated with their
 mutual love for one another.

Sometimes when we pray we feel inadequate ill prepared..
not having the 'right' words to say.
I invite you to consider taking the time to go away
to a secluded place for private undisturbed prayer.
It is in the silence and stillness that God can speak to us best.
Close you eyes and be in his presence;
this is prayer...words are not necessary nor required.

The storm came and the apostles thought they were alone,
but Jesus was just a few steps away.
He was coming out to meet them on the crest 
of each swell of the sea.
Jesus calmed the storm and as they reached the other side
the crowds began to come; many just to touch the tassel of his cloak.
Many were healed from the strength he gained 
from his time on the mountain.

Prayer gives us strength too.
Prayer in any setting is good, but there is great value in
 private time with the Lord.
We are Blessed with a God of miracles...
a God who models for us our higher calling.
The call to greater holiness.

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