Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Truth Cannot be Held Hostage

~~~ Isaiah 6:1-8 ~~~ Psalm 93 ~~~ Matthew 10:24-33 ~~~

He touched my mouth with it (the hot ember) and said,
“See, now that this has touched your lips,
your wickedness is removed, your sin purged.”

Touched by an angel from God with a red hot ember. 
This is a frightening image.
Lips are tender, sensitive easily burned with food or drink that is too hot.
To purge one from wickedness takes extreme measures.
Once the wickedness is removed from your being;
that is when you can speak with purity of heart.

Once you have a clean heart then you can answer
'here I am...send me...I will go'
If God had indeed counted every hair on our head,
 why would he do that and then let us perish?
God's plan for our life never includes our destruction.

With pure lips we can speak his words of light and love,
because it him speaking through us.
God has only his chosen ones to speak on his behalf today.
Guess what? That would be you and me.
We must not be silent...we must speak up. not be afraid...
Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed,
nor secret that will not be known.
What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light;
what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.

Everything that comes from God that is of God
 must be revealed to others.
In some countries, even today, the Gospel message
 must be spoken in the underground 'safe' areas.
We live in a country where freedom of speech is valued...protected.

When the kingdom of heaven is brought to its full fruition
nothing will be held back from us.
We will know those things which now
seem to be hidden in the darkness of our existence.

The truth cannot be held hostage it will be made visible.
What is said in darkness must be spoken in the light.
The apostles did not remain locked up
 in the upper room they went out into the towns and villages.

What they whispered among themselves
 Jesus made perfectly clear to them.
There was no longer a need to keep anything quiet.
They were given the courage to broadcast the Gospel message.
They used every available means to tell the story.
This is exactly why we have the message in out hearts today.

The apostles overcame their fear and we can too.
Never be afraid to let others know you are a believer...that you love God.
Never be afraid to look for the presence of God.

Let your words and your actions reveal what is in your heart;
it is so much easier that way.

Blessed to be released from fear and darkness.
Step into the light and say,
Here I am Lord...take me...I will go.

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