Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

No Storm Too Great

~~~ Amos 3:1-8; 4:11-12 ~~~ Psalm 5 ~~~ Matthew 8:23-27 ~~~

Lord, save us! We are perishing!

There could be many reasons way we have storms in our life...
we could in fact be causing them ourselves.
Our insufficient faith is the reason 
we experience more anguish
 in the face of difficulties.
Many times it is only when we our life
 is spinning out of control that we all of sudden need God.
But it also happens during this time
 that we want to blame God for our troubles.
Some wait until they can no longer tread
 water before they call out to God.

In our Gospel today Jesus
 is in the boat with the disciples and they still fear controls them.
Jesus is with us through all of our trials even when
 we think he is not noticing.
Jesus does not need to show us his presence.
It is our faith that must carry us through the storms of life.

...even the winds and the sea obey
There is no obstacle too great for Jesus.
He will always get us safely through the storms of life.
The disciples woke up Jesus because they needed his reassurance.
There faith was still immature, even for them.

I do not think we can ever say, 
'I have enough faith to get me through anything'.

The disciples called out to Jesus for help.
They needed to know that he was aware of their fear...
the great storm was tossing them around.
Why was he letting this happen to them...he was with them?

Jesus could have been awakened by the rocking and tossing of the boat,
but he stayed asleep until they called out to him.

Do you find that curious? I do.
Do you see any connection to your own life?
Do you expect God just to be there
 whether or not you call out to him?
Do you get angry at God
 when you feel he is not there for you?

It may not make any difference to God if we call out to him,
but it may make all the difference to our depth of faith if he waits.
God never withholds himself from us...
he is just very patient.
He may remain in the background where you cannot see.

Jesus rebuked the waves and there was great calm.
...great calm...Jesus can and will bring great calm into our life too.

All too often it takes just such a great storm
 before it dawns on us to seek God's intercession.

We are Blessed to have a mighty God...
no storm is too great 
for him to calm.

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