Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Lullaby from God

~~~ Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10 ~~~ Psalm  71 ~~~ Matthew 13:1-9 ~~~ 

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I dedicated you...

As many times as I have read or heard this verse
 it is always mind boggling.
How is it possible to be known
 before your existence?

It is a beautiful thing to pray
 for those who will later come into your life.
For instance, I pray for the grandchildren
 I will some day be blessed to have.
But I cannot say that I know them as God claims here.

A friend prayed for God to send her the man he wanted her to marry.
Do you invite God to be a part of each of your relationships?

God has an intimate relationship with you and with me.
A relationship that transcends our understanding of time.
A relationship which is not bound by physical limitations.

How we humans often long to continue a relationship
 after a loved one has died.
Then we can say we knew this person.
We have had years of experiences together.

If God has known us before we were conceived then perhaps
 he too longs for us to return to him.
What if only after we die are we capable
of understanding this knowledge God has of us.
This love that is so great that it precedes us.
This is not a generic love, but an individual unique love.
A love that is just for you.

Why do we shove aside this God who has loved us for so long?
How is it possible to turn away from him in our selfishness?
How can we not love ourselves, as he loves us?

Imagine for a moment;
God singing a lullaby to your soul.
'To know, know, know you is to love, love, love you
and I do.'
You are Blessed with his love.
Believe it.
Never doubt it.
Always remember this special love
God has for you.

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