Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Like Foam...

~~~ Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 ~~~ Psalm 105 ~~~ Matthew 10:1-7 ~~~

The king of Samaria shall disappear,
like foam upon the waters.

All that we know of in this world,
 where we exist shall disappear like foam upon the waters.
If you have ever walked along the beach
then you have most likely had the experience of seeing such a wave.
The power of the water carries the crest of the wave to the shore.
It looks impressive the larger the wave,
but as soon as it crashes against the shore it crumbles.
It quickly smooths out and merges into the remaining water.
Hosea is reminding the people that no matter how much power
 the king acquires it will not be long lasting. is time to seek the LORD,
till he come and rain down justice upon you.

Any time is a good time to seek the Lord, but especially
when things are out of control.
Our Lord has power over the oceans and evil spirits.
He is the one who has the last word.
He is truth and justice.

Jesus sent out the twelve he chose
 to go about doing the hard work of conversion.
He intended for this task to be challenging...
they were not to go to 'safe' areas where they would be easily accepted.
Instead he wanted the apostles to seek those who were lost...
those who were in need of a physician.

Go rather to the lost sheep...

Seek always the face of the Lord.

If we make it a priority to first seek the face of God
 then everything will more likely be able to fall in place.
To seek the face of God implies that you acknowledge his existence.

It is not just the twelve closest to Jesus who have been called.
We too have been called; each of us for his purpose.

Just when we are tempted to think we understand the Lord
 he throws you a curved ball.
This could be illness, death, or divorce to name a few.
These too will disappear like
 the foam upon the waters.

You have been chosen by God...
Seek his face and you will be blessed with his strength.
~~~ Peace ~~~