Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, July 18, 2014

In the Noontime of Life

~~~ Isaiah 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8 ~~~ Psalm 38 ~~~ Matthew 12:1-8 ~~~

In the noontime of life I must depart!

For most of us noontime is the middle of the day...
Oftentimes it is the warmest part of the day...the brightest part of the day.
Would you want to know when you had reached
 the noontime of your life?
My answer is 'no', because it would be
such huge a distraction to living in the present.
What would I tempted or inspired to do differently?
Would I spend too much time lamenting my last days?

Those live whom the LORD protects;
yours is the life of my spirit.
You have given me health and life.

God wants us to live each of our days to the fullest, to the best of our ability.
He has given us life in his spirit...this was intentional.
We have life because God has granted it to us.
What God has given to us can be withdrawn from us.
We live and move and have our being in the Lord.

Today we are learning more about the terrible
 downing of a passenger airliner.
One story to surface is about a woman who missed her flight.
Had she been on time she would have perished
along with everyone else on the plane.
Her life will now be forever changed.
She has evidence of God's saving power.

You saved my life, O Lord; I shall not die.

If she believes in God's promise of salvation and eternal life,
she now has proof that he saves lives in the present.
Mostly likely yesterday she was upset at missing her flight;
today she is giving thanks for missing her flight.

Living is unique and personal.
This woman has been given more life.
What will she do with her extra time here on Earth?

The beautiful fact is that she does realize she was spared from death.
So many times when disaster strikes people survive or escape eminent death.

How can you go back to life
 as usual after something like this happens to you?

God granted Hezekiah fifteen more years.
He apparently had passed the noontime of his life.
His health was failing; as he prayed he was overwhelmed with tears.

I invite you to consider how you are responding
or how you will respond to the noontime of your life.
We will all reach that point sometime in our life.
There is no prescribed age.
One may not even recognize this noontime until it has already passed by.

Perhaps it is true that we should live each day as if it were our last day.
Is that depressing? Is it challenging? Is it scary? Is it peaceful?

We are Blessed with a God who saves...

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