Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Your Light Must Shine

~~~ Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~~~
~~Isaiah 58:7-10~~Psalm 112~~1 Corinthians 2:1-5~~Matthew 5:13-16~~

You are the light of the world.

God created the light and this light dispelled the darkness.
God gave us the night and the day.
God sent his Son, Jesus, to be the Light of the World.
Jesus has called us to be children of the light.
The light that we are given during our baptism is a living light.
A burning candle representing God's burning love for us.
This light we are given during our baptism is meant to be shared.
I am sure you have met children that share this light through their joy.
The delight of a child is a sharing of this light form God.

We often say things like "she lights up the room" with her presence.
Whether or not we radiate a visible light we can shine with God's love.

...your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your heavenly Father.

God did not say shine your light if you feel like.
God did not say shine your light on Sunday.
God did not say shine your light when you are around your friends.
God did not say shine your light on your birthday.

God said...your light must shine... 
...must shine...we are not allowed to keep our light under cover.
We are not to put our light away in the attic.
We are not to put our light locked away for safe keeping. 

Your light is meant to be shared, shared by the way you care for others.
You cannot keep your light to yourself.
Sharing your light pleases our heavenly Father.
Sharing your light gives Glory to God, because
after all the light you have was a gift from him.

What better way to show your appreciation for a gift than to use.
Use your light for goodness and you will be blessed.
Light is Life.
Glorifying God
through our good deeds brings our soul life.

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