Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tending the Flock

~~~ 1 Peter 5:1-4 ~~~ Psalm 23 ~~~ Matthew 16:13-19 ~~~

I exhort the presbyters among you...
Tend the flock of God in your midst,
overseeing not by constraint but willingly,
as God would have it...

The priests of the church are being told to pay attention.
To notice how a shepherd tends to his flock.
There is no coercion only loving care and concern.
The Lord takes care of our needs even better than the best shepherd.
There is nothing I shall want for because the Lord can be trusted.
With the Lord all of our wants and needs are met.

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Only goodness and kindness follow me
all the days of my life...

A good shepherd leads his sheep to the safe path.
A good shepherd handles his sheep with kindness and they follow him. are Peter,
and upon this rock I will build my Church...

Jesus gave the authority to rule over the church to Peter.
He gave Peter the position of the head of the church.
Along with that title comes responsibilities to the people.

The model of the head of the church is that of a Good Shepherd.
A good shepherd that always looks out for his sheep.
He cares for his sheep...he loves his sheep.
His sheep are a treasure to him.

If the shepherd has no sheep then he has no reason to be a shepherd.
If the church has no members; there is no reason to have a head.

We are blessed to have a wonderful Good Shepherd...
 in Pope Francis.
He leads us through the darkness to the restful waters.
God Bless the Pope as he guides us, the church.

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