Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Actions Have Consequences

~~~ 2 Samuel 12:1-7a, 10-17 ~~~ Psalm 51 ~~~ Mark 4:35-41 ~~~

Create a clean heart in me, O God.

A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat,
The Lord sends Nathan to pose a problem to David.
As the king David is in the position to make decisions
concerning the lives of others.
God uses Nathan to present a special situation...
the subject already dear to David's heart...a lamb.
David, of course, had been a shepherd.
He understands the tender relationship a shepherd has with his animals.
The story says the rich man orders the poor man to prepare his only lamb
for the guest's dinner.
David grew very angry with that man and said to him:
“As the LORD lives, the man who has done this merits death!

Eventually Nathan reveals the motive for the story.
David is faced with the gravity of his sinful escapades. have despised me
and have taken the wife of Uriah to be your wife.’
Thus says the LORD:

Sometimes God sends another person to help us understand
how we have fooled ourselves with our sinfulness.
David and Nathan now can have an honest
conversation about what David has done.
The Lord does indeed forgive David, but he must pay a high price.
The Lord vows to take the life of his 'love child'.
We are all faced with the consequences of our actions.
Until now David thought he had gotten away with his scheme to deceive.

He woke up,
rebuked the wind,
and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!”

If God can quiet the wind and calm the violent sea;
surely it is possible for him to forgive our offenses no matter how grave.

David found himself in the depths of a storm.
A storm that he virtually created himself.
When we create our own storms through our sinfulness
God is there ready to forgive us and calm our storm.

Seek forgiveness from the Lord...
nothing is beyond his forgiveness.
We are Blessed to have a God
who graciously forgives us.

Create a clean heart in me, O God.

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