Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, December 23, 2013

Enter the Prince of Peace

~~~ Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 ~~~ Psalm 25 ~~~ Luke 1:57-66 ~~~

Zachariah's speech was restored as soon as he fully accepted God's will.
His eyes and ears were opened to the reality
 that his new born son was to serve the Lord.
In order for this child to serve the Lord
 he would be called John.

John was set apart by God from his conception.
He was chosen to be the one who prepared the way for the Jesus.
Imagine little John hearing his mother retell the story
 of his miraculous conception.
Imagine his hearing of how his father would be struck dumb 
until his name was given.
Imagine how humble he must have felt
 at being chosen for something 
he could not even understand.

From a very early age John learned to rely on his gift of faith.
This is a wonderful example for us.
As we come ever closer to the Nativity of our Lord we are given 
these vivid examples.
Examples of the magnificence of doing the will of God.
The will which brings about the greatest peace.
When we cooperate with God's Divine plan we find peace.
When we wrestle with God's will for our life 
we experience inner turmoil and unrest.

In a world today where so much war and hatred occurring
we turn to the birth of the Prince of Peace.
We affirm our belief that he alone can bring peace to our own heart.
We affirm that he alone can bring peace to all peoples.

It is his peace that we long to experience.
It is his peace that we hope for the world to realize.

John was sent ahead of Jesus to be his PR person.
John prepared the way for the one he knew to be his cousin.
They played together and shared family gatherings together.
John and Jesus knew each other as innocent children.

John knew Jesus was sent by God as the Messiah for all of mankind.
I guess we will never know if Jesus needed a personal relations person,
but John was commissioned to do just that.
John gladly spread the news of Jesus.
John shared the news of his remarkable cousin
the Prince of Peace.

May we experience the true peace of Christ this Christmas.
May we be like John ready and willing to carry this message of his peace
forward to others; in this we are abundantly Blessed.
May the Peace of Christ be with you.
Come, let us adore him.

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