Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, December 16, 2013

Convenient Ignorance

~~~ Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17a ~~~ Psalm 25 ~~~ Matthew 21:23-27
“We do not know.”
In order to  Jesus and to save face at the same time the elders pleaded ignorance.
Jesus is responding to their inquiry to where he had been given his authority.
Jesus simply says I will ask you one question and if you answer it
then I will tell you by what authority I do these things. 
This exchange reminds me of a part in the Hobbit movie.
Bilbo finds himself in an awkward position as he plays
The Riddle Game with Gollum.
The two are struggling for power; Jesus finds himself in a similar struggle.
Jesus does not set out to be at odds with the elders though not surprising.
Bilbo does not set out to be trapped in fear of his life with Gollum.
In desperation Bilbo asks the question...What is in my pocket?
Gollum thinks this is part of the game and becomes very
distraught because he does not know the answer.
The elders may think Jesus is playing a game with them
so they decide to pretend ignorance.
The elders discuss their possible answers to the question.
They decide not to pick either answer.
They are not happy with either possible answer;
so they play dumb.
It is God alone who inspires and gives us the right words to say.
The elders did not want to acknowledge even the possibility
 that Jesus received his authority from God.
Thus they give their answer of contrived ignorance.
...The ignorance of convenience...
Jesus does not need to answer the elders' question;
they already know the answer.
They know the answer, but they do not like admitting it to Jesus.
I see him, though not now;
I behold him, though not near:
A star shall advance from Jacob,
and a staff shall rise from Israel.
The birth of Jesus draws nearer with each passing day.
We cannot pretend that this birth is not significant.
The Word is made flesh...
it took on the human form bringing the light to us.
The Light of the World is coming once again to dwell among us.
Wait for the Lord...make room in your heart for his coming...
welcome him into your heart with open arms.
The riddle games are over;
the answer will soon be with us once more.
Prepare a special place in your heart for Our Lord.
Blessings come in preparing the space for the Lord.
Although not a riddle or a game;
The reality of our salvation lies in the crib on a bed of straw.
The Christian 'Riddle Game' is that
Christmas is the beginning of the Resurrection. 

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