Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Beneath the Hay

~~~ Feast of Saint Stephen, first martyr ~~~

~~Acts of the Apostles 6:8-10; 7:54-59 ~~Psalm 31~~Matthew 10:17-22~~

Amid the joy of the birth of Jesus; 
we are reminded that we must die to ourselves 
if we are to serve the Lord.
Beneath the hay upon which the infant Jesus 
rests is his crucifixion.
Our joy of new life is quickly tempered with the
reality of martyrdom. Stephen is the first
of many who would follow their hearts to their death.

Stephen was filled with grace and strength from the Lord.
He was given a vision of the glory of God.
He was blessed with the grace to face stoning.
He was stoned to death by the very people he was preaching before.
They could have just turned and walked away
leaving him standing there alone.

If we are to align ourselves with following Christ;
then we must also be willing to die for him...
knowing that he will be with us.

When they hand you over,
do not worry about how you are to speak
or what you are to say.

The light of Christ lights our way.
May we be inspired by Saint Stephen 
to speak the words of the Lord...
 living words, more numerous than the strands of hay
nestled in the crib upon which he lay.

May you be blessed in the joy 
and peace of the Nativity.
May you be strengthened in your 
commitment to the Lord, 
modeled perfectly for us by Stephen.

The Peace of Christ,
be with you.
We have been given a great light!

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