Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, August 16, 2013

Narrarted by God

~~~ Joshua 24:1-13 ~~~ Psalm 136 ~~~ Matthew 19:3-12 ~~~
Joshua presents the history of the Israelites by God.
God wants Joshua to tell the story according to his version.
God wants there to be no confusion
 as to whom is due the credit
for leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
God gives Joshua the task of presenting a divine history lesson.
Many generations had come and gone by the time
Joshua is the leader of the people.
Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel
If we are not reminded of the historical facts we tend to forget.
Many times when events are later recalled the facts get distorted,
either intentionally or because they are simply forgotten.
God wants the people to be mindful of all that he has done for them.
If he has done this much to protect them,
then they should continue to believe he will lead Joshua too.
God parted seas helped them conquer armies much greater than they.
He gave them land they did not earn.
It was God that made the land yield and produce in abundance.
If God is removed from the picture
the whole point of their freedom story is muted.
No one except God could have accomplished such incredible feats.
God is the one who deserves all of the credit.
When someone is doing the work of the Lord;
it is God who puts the desire into the heart of the person.
It is God that provides the person what is necessary to complete each task.
Without the hand of God in our life
we are much like a fish out of water;
flopping around, gasping for the next breath of air.
It is God who blesses
marriage between a man and a woman.
It is God who blesses those who are
called to a life of celibacy.
I invite you to take time in the next few days
to reflect back on your life.
Focus primarily on the times you believe God was working.
Thinking back as far as you can
 try to see how even when you were not aware
 God was there.
Your autobiography has peaks and valleys,
but in every area the presence of God has blessed you.
Today is the day to take historical inventory of your life with God. 

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