Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Partially Cooked Bacon

~~~ Exodus 12:37-42 ~~~ Psalm 136 ~~~ Matthew 12:14-21 ~~~
If you have ever had to evacuate in an emergency
you can identify at some level with the great exodus.
I remember as a young child we had to evacuate our home
because of a dangerous chemical spill. I remember thinking how odd
it was that my parents left the partially cooked bacon
 in the skillet on the stove.
We literally all piled into the car and fled the area.
As a child this was huge, but we just went
to my grandmother's across town.
Although I don't recall it probably turned out to be a fun day.
The people who fled with Moses across the desert
 took only what they were able to carry with them.
They did not have a car, they were on foot.
They did not have a fun day.
They were on the move crossing the desert for the rest of their life.
How much do you think you could carry in your arms
if you had to flee your home right now?
Could you leave the partially cooked bacon on the stove?
They had rushed out of Egypt and had no opportunity
even to prepare food for the journey.
They were headed to the land of milk and honey,
but in the mean time they had very little.
As we know God provided for them along the way.
Today when I see pictures of the thousands of refugees in Syria
it paints this scene for me of the Egyptians.
Jesus spent much of his energy contradicting the Pharisees.
They remind me of those birds of prey we see
circling high above in the sky.
They watch and wait for just the opportunity to swoop
down for the catch.
But Jesus was never caught off guard
 he always has an answer for them.
He always forces them to confront themselves in a different light.
On this occasion he withdraws, but he continues
 to cure people along the way.
It must have been easy to track Jesus...
just follow the foot prints of those who had been cured.
He had his own global positioning system or 'gps'
it was his healings.
Jesus fulfilled, in every way, all that the Father sent to accomplish.
Isaiah speaks these beautiful words many years
before the coming of the Messiah.
Behold, my servant whom I have chosen,
my beloved in whom I delight;
I shall place my Spirit upon him,
and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles.
God has chosen you for himself.
You are his beloved.
He does take delight in you.
Every day he Blesses you with his Spirit.
He proclaims justice for all.

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