Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Whom Will You Serve?

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
~~~Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b~~~Psalm 34~~~Eph 5:2a, 25-32~~~John 6:60-69~~~
Unless you are a robot or under some hypnotic spell
you have had the occasion to question your faith.
It is normal to to have doubts from time to time.
Have you ever disagreed with one of the church's teachings?
Have you ever not been in total agreement
with the teachings or mandates of the church?
Most of us can answer yes to these questions,
but we chose to remain faithful in spite of our questions.
But many people make the choice to leave the church
when they disagree, or have felt rejected by the church,
or been denied access to the sacraments as a result of past choices.
This is where the disciples of Jesus find themselves today.
They just cannot accept his teachings about the Bread of Life.
"This saying is hard; who can accept it?"
Because they could not believe and accept his teaching
they turned and walked away.
It must have been disappointing to Jesus
to be rejected in this way.
Even though Jesus knew what was in their hearts
he still delivered his message.
Joshua is addressing a similar situation today with his people...
"If it does not please you to serve the LORD,
decide today whom you will serve..."
His question was, which God are you going to serve?
Joshua gave them an ultimatum.
He was not willing to tolerate indecision.
The people were so reluctant to change
from their service to their idol gods.
Finally he says you can decide for yourself,
"...As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
The people were able to use right judgment
and in the end put aside their doubts.
They were able to make the connection
and see that the goods things they had experienced had indeed
come from God.
"...Therefore we also will serve the LORD, for he is our God."
It is good for us also to be reminded of all that God
has done for us throughout our life.
He truly is the God of Spirit and Life.
It is the Spirit of the Lord that gives us life.
It is the Spirit of God that speaks to us in the scriptures
and in the teachings of the church.
The Spirit has provided guidance for the church to continue to flourish.
Jesus emphasizes the gift of faith, which comes from the Father.
"For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me
unless it is granted him by my Father."
As people turned away and left,
 Jesus gives his apostles the chance to make the same decision.
"Do you also want to leave?" 
Jesus never requires one to stay with him against their will.
Unlike some cults we have witnessed in our time,
Jesus always invites you to freely follow him.
Likewise you are free to leave his community of faith.
Jesus does not take us as prisoners
or slaves...
we are free.
We are free to accept the results of our choices.
Taste and See the goodness of the Lord
and you will make the best decisions.
As for me and my house we have made the choice to serve the Lord.
We have made the choice for the Spirit and the Life of the Lord.
What have you chosen?

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