Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, August 13, 2012

More Precious than Gold

~~~ Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28c ~~~ Psalm 148 ~~~ Matthew 17: 22-27 ~~~

There are times when something you read from the Bible
that would really be nice to experience today.

We have one such example today in the gospel...
"...go to the sea, drop in a hook,
and take the first fish that comes up.
Open its mouth and you will find a coin worth twice the temple tax."

I think it is pretty safe to say...that really would be nice...
to go fishing and to catch just the right fish. The fish with the golden coin,
worth enough to cover your taxes.
Maybe this is the basis for win the golden coin.
It is so tempting to keep on 'fishing' when the prize is something you want. 

Jesus sent Peter fishing...that is what he knew best.
After all he was a fisherman by trade.
Fishing may have also been therapeutic for Peter;
as he was overcome with grief at the thought of losing Jesus.

Jesus sent Peter to do what he already knew how to do;
there he made the 'golden' catch.

Gold coins were valuable then much as they are today.
Gold coins are prized by collectors the world over.
Gold has been highly valued since ancient times.

In its natural state Gold is found across the world.
History records the Gold Rush we had here in the states years ago.

The great author, Homer, writes...
" is the glory of the immortals and a sign of wealth
among ordinary humans."

Gold is the easiest of metals to work with and its brilliance
made it a favorite for ornamental items.
Gold neither corrodes or tarnishes.
Gold...highly prized.

Jesus and the apostles were not wealthy by typical standards.
Jesus willfully pays the local prescribed taxes;
he pays them with the currency of the wealthy.
Wealth to Jesus is not gold coins but he uses this gold
to symbolize his great power and wealth.

Of course we know wealth to Jesus has nothing to do with gold coins
and everything to do with your heart.

Rather than letting Peter be distraught over not having
the funds for the local taxes;
Jesus sends him back to his roots...the water.

God will bless you with abundance naturally living your everyday life.
There is no need to spend your day on your knees praying.

Gold a prized desired commodity.
What could be more desirable than being with the Lord,
having him with you until the end of times.

True wealth lies in the Lord.

Jesus has Peter secure one gold coin from the mouth
of the fish worth enough
to cover the taxes for both himself and Peter.

Jesus put the money in  the mouth of the fish.
I am reminded of two common says here...
put your money where your mouth is
money talks

Even here Jesus is taking care of someone other than himself.

Gold is highly prized,
neither corroding or tarnishing.
It endures.
I consider my relationship with Jesus...
highly prized.
Lord, let me always value more the wealth I have in you
over the wealth I have in material objects.
You are more precious than gold.

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