Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Who is God Seeking

~~~ Isaiah 1:10, 16-20 ~~~ Psalm 50 ~~~ Matthew 23:1-12 ~~~

Jesus scolded the scribes and the Pharisees 
for not being who they claimed to be.

He warned the people to not be fooled
 by their behavior...
their actions were not even aligned 
with their own words.

All their works are performed to be seen.

These holy learned men shrouded
 their true selves in fine clothing.

They become their own diversion.
But nothing can be hidden or disguised before God.

God looks deep within...
God sees the 'pimples' in our soul.

God is not impressed 
with your position at the banquet table.

God seeks those who desire 
a humble and contrite heart.

God seeks those who...
cease doing evil; learn to do good.

This is precisely what we are called 
to do each year during Lent.

We have forty focused days 
to catch ourselves doing evil...
none of us are perfect...we are all sinners.

We have forty focused days 
to learn to do good.

Now is the time to do some soul searching.
Now is the time to stop least
 make the serious intention.

Do you really want to do good?
Or is it only when people are watching you?

Jesus shows us the way.
We do not have the task to discover 
what being 'good' means.

God is seeking you.
Help Him find you faster 'do good'
for He already knows who and where you are today.

turn away from evil and do good.


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