Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pray with Attention

~~~ 2 Corinthian 11:1-11 ~~~ Psalm 111 ~~~ Matthew 6:7-15 ~~~ not babble...
Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Jesus gives us the His prayer in response to the
disciples confusion about how to pray.

The Lord's Prayer is so perfect that we teach it to little children.
Before they can know whet the words mean they recite this prayer.

For us as adults we have to be cautious to pray the 
Our Father with understanding.
How many times have you said the words,
without thinking about their meaning?

Is that what it means to babble?
If our prayers become so automatic
 that they no longer hold meaning...
are they then just babble?

It is up to us to make sure that our common prayers
 do not become common babble.
When we rush through our prayers
 we cannot be praying with the right attention.

Is it more important to say as many prayers as possible
 in a prescribed time or is it better to slowly 
say just a few prayers?

How long do you think it takes you to say the Our Father?

Today, I invite you to truly pray the Our Father.
As you begin consider who the Father is to you.
Why is just his spoken name so precious?

How do you feel about his kingdom?
How often do you embrace his will in your life?

Do you trust in his promise to provide all that you need?

Then comes the toughest part...
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those 
who trespass against us.
How different this prayer would be if 
Jesus had not included this part.

Jesus knew that we would need his help to keep away
 from the ever changing temptations of this world.
The evil one is very adept at morphing 
into constant forms of temptations.

So do not let your prayers turn into 
thoughtless babble.
Pray with attention and intention.
Pray so as to allow the words to transform you.
Pray to keep your connection with God current.
Babble soon becomes distant and stale.
Babble becomes routine and thoughtless.

Blessed to be given this special prayer
from Jesus himself.
Pray with Attention.

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