Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Narrow or Wide Path?

~~~ Genesis 13:2, 5-18 ~~~ Psalm 15 ~~~ Matthew 7:6, 12-14 ~~~

Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.

This is only works well if you have a healthy respect for yourself.
If you abuse yourself then it is less likely for you to respect others.
Loving others begins with loving yourself.

If you are negative with yourself then you will be inclined
 to be negative toward others.
Treating others with respect begins within
and radiates out to others.
If we are cultivating peace within our heart
then we will extend peace toward others.

How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.
And those who find it are few.

Why is it so difficult to find this road?
Is it disguised? It is overgrown with weeds?
Is it too challenging?

The easier wider path ultimately leads
 away from the narrow gate we must pass through.
It fools us because it appears to be the more traveled path.

The narrow it only wide enough for one way traffic?
The constricted road may only be worn foot path.
A foot path in the woods is easy to miss.
There are no road direction markers.

If you strive to treat others with love and respect,
when you die the narrow path will exist just for you.

Suddenly you will be able to see clearly.
Perhaps the path will be illuminated,
life the airport runway.

Take time to care for love yourself
so that you will be able to love others more purely.

There is no 'yellow brick' road to heaven,
but there is a path that leads us to the gate.
When you pass through the gate
the path becomes your only choice.
You will be on your way home to heaven.

Once again the choice is yours...
will you take the well worn path or the narrow less traveled one?
How you treat yourself and how you treat others
 is a good indication of which one you are choosing.

May God bless you with
the ability to find the narrow path of eternal life.


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