Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Arms Open Wide

~~~ Tobit 3:1-11A, 16-17A ~~~ Psalm 25 ~~~ Mark 12:18-27 ~~~

The sad realities of Tobit's life have taken their toll.
Now he is willing to completely surrender all into God's hands.
Tobit gives up control over his very life.

...So now, deal with me as you please,
and command my life breath to be taken from me...

Tobit was not contemplating taking his own life.
He was giving his whole being back to God.
Saying these words of surrender to God
is much easier than accepting God's controls when they come.

How are you at giving God control of your life?
No matter what we still try to maneuver ourselves
into a place to our liking.
Perhaps it is our fundamental human nature.

Tobit was thrust into surprising darkness.
It took four years before he could turn himself
completely over to God. 
How close are you?
Can you say the words today and mean it?

Raguel’s daughter Sarah...was deeply saddened...
All seven of her husbands were deceased.
She was frustrated and lost.
Sarah seriously considered suicide.
Thoughts of her poor father caused her to stop
and reconsider the consequences of such an action.

Instead, facing the window she spread out her arms
and poured out her heart to God.
Sarah faced the sunlight...toward God's holy light.
Sarah looked outside of her room...outside of herself.

“Blessed are you, O Lord, merciful God,
and blessed is your holy and honorable name.
Blessed are you in all your works for ever!”

At that very moment the prayer of surrender to God was heard.
God sent the angel Raphael in response.
God accepted their prayers and healed
their hearts, minds, and bodies.

When we are able to give ourselves completely to God
amazing things do happen.

Along with restored sight,
happiness filled the hearts of Tobit and Sarah.
Both experienced the goodness of God's love.

We have so much to gain by
surrendering everything to God.

Blessed by a God of the Living.


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