Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, December 15, 2014


~~~Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17A ~~~ Psalm 25 ~~~ Matthew 21:23-27 ~~~

Teach me your ways, O Lord.

Jesus had so many chances to teach the elders his ways,
but they threw up road blocks.
It is only years later that the whole picture
can be seen through the gospels.
The elders were too concerned about their own
 reputations than to learn the truth.

Jesus did not try to argue with them...
he did not try to belittle them...
Jesus simply responded to them in their own style.
He reflected back to them their own image.

As Jesus was teaching the elders questioned his authority.
He was not one of them...he had not come up through
 the ranks alongside them.
Jesus was a stranger...a visitor...a foreigner...
They considered him to be a self appointed teacher.
How dare he speak with such authority.
So Jesus poses a question to them about John the Baptist
concerning the origin of his baptism.
After discussing their answer among themselves
they decided to reply with a non answer.

So they said to Jesus in reply, “We do not know.” 
He himself said to them,
“Neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things.”

Jesus accepted their reply of ignorance by responding
in the same manner.
The conversation ended in stalemate.
The elders did not get what they wanted
 and they were unable to tell Jesus to stop teaching.

Today we too can be confused by the teachings of Jesus,
we are fortunate to have theologians help
us better understand.

The elders were betting they could outsmart Jesus.
In chess terms they wanted to claim 'checkmate',
of course they did not fully understand who Jesus was.
Perhaps they departed confused and scratching their heads.
They had not been able to win the 'game'.
It ended in a 'stalemate'...

Stalemate is the relatively rare situation when a player whose king
 isn’t in check has no legal move to make. 
Stalemate is considered a draw. 
Neither player wins, but the game is over.

The elders expected to depart as winners
instead they left shaking their heads.
Jesus was the winner yet he did not claim victory.

Blessed to have a 'teacher' who is humble...
a teacher who is not about 'winning' the game.
Our teacher is patient, kind, and all knowing.

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