Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest
~~~ Isaiah 25:6-10a ~~~ Psalm 23 ~~~ Matthew 15:29-37 ~~~

Sometimes it seems that we are bit spoiled.
We long for a God who will take care of all of our needs.
A God who will feed us, heal us, and free us from the snares of death.
We have these expectations as we continue to live out our lives
 according to our selfish ways.

The truth is that we do have a God who is willing to spoil us
and teach us and guide us in the paths of good.
We have a God who knows just when what we most need is some
tough love...some love that does not succumb
 to our near nearsightedness.

God does want us to live all the days of our life in his house.
When you live in someone's house you must follow their rules.
This is where God exercises his tough love for us.

Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us!
This is the LORD for whom we looked;

We look for the God who will discipline us when needed.
We look for the God who always knows
 what is best for us throughout our life.

We look for the God who places his hand on the mountain...
The God who looks down upon us and raises us
up into his loving arms.
The God who knows how frail we are...
how needy we are...
We look for the God who meets us
where we are; who accepts our wretchedness...

We look for the God who
 loves in spite our inclination to be spoiled.

We will never recognize just how many times
his Blessings have sustained us.


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