Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Searching for What Is...

~~~ Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ~~~
~~~ Isaiah 5:1-7 ~~~ Psalm 80 ~~~ Philippians 4:6-9 ~~~
~~~ Matthew 21:33-43 ~~~

...whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
whatever is just, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious,
if there is any excellence
and if there is anything worthy of praise,
think about these things.

We should keep this passage visible in every room of our home.
We should carry this passage on our person everywhere we go.
We should have it scrolling across our computer screens.
It should be embedded on our smart phones.
Why, you may ask?
Because we live in a world where our attention
 is constantly being presented with the total opposite.
Each time we turn on the television we rarely initially
see anything that is lovely, pure, or excellent.
We must search for the truth even from our news reporters.
Our justice system at times causes us to scratch our heads in disbelief.

Today Paul may be telling us that as Christians it is our duty,
our joy, and our responsibility to search for excellent.
Where can we find those things worthy to be praised?

These are things we must give our minds, hearts, and souls to feed upon.
For if we can feed on these things they will flourish within.
Whatever we can nurture within is sure to come out.

If we cannot find these wonderful things as Paul describes then
it is up to us to be those things to others.
We must live in truth.
We must live with honor.
We must carry justice in our heart and actions.
We must be pure, clean and not harmful in any way.
We must be lovely, beautiful; not to be confused with frills and lace. 
We must be gracious, merciful and kind in every manner.
We must strive for excellence; not necessarily perfection.
We must be the best we can be expecting to improve.

Then the God of peace will be with you.
He is the bearer of blessings and grace all the days of your life.
All that he is is worthy of our praise.
All that he creates is worthy of our praise.
All that is loved and redeemed by him is worthy of praise.

We must hold ourselves accountable to these
words written by Saint Paul.
They were not just for his intended audience that day
they were written for us to hear now on this date in time.
These words were written to nourish our souls today.

Perhaps you can only pick one to focus on each week
 that will be enough.
Get into the habit of focusing on the things that are good.
Keep these words where you can see them often.
The world can be a better place...
it begins with you and me.

Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Blessings from all that is gracious and honorable in your life.

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