Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, June 20, 2014

Where is Your Treasure?

~~~ 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 ~~~ Psalm 132 ~~~ Matthew 6:19-23 ~~~

...where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

While Game of Thrones is considered to fantasy,
 today's reading from the second book of Kings really happened.
If you read through the Old Testament
you will find everything thing possible to imagine.
Writers and film makers can delve into the pages of the Bible
 and get endless ideas and plots for stories.

The Gospel today is much more appealing to me.
What do you treasure?
Where do you keep it for safe keeping?
Is it in a display case?
Is it something you occasionally put in the spot light?
Is it visible or invisible?

What we treasure may change over the years.
When you are young you treasure things that are more tangible.
As you get older you begin to understand that the real
 treasure in life cannot be seen.
The real treasure for me are my family and friends that I love...
my relationship with God.

What we treasure gets permanently stored....etched...
into our heart.
Maybe each treasure stored in your heart releases its own chemical marker.
Science reveals our bodies to be one big chemical concoction.
So why couldn't something we treasure be connected to specific chemicals.

What is treasured in the heart is more valuable than gold,
silver, or precious gem stones...
more precious than diamonds and pearls.

Treasures stored in the heart are protected from decay...
from thieves, from moths and vermin.
The treasures stored in your heart can only
be damaged or destroyed if we give our permission.

Sometimes we decide to let go
 of something once thought to be a great treasure.
Circumstances change throughout our lives.

In the Bible there are about seventy four verses
 that mention the word treasure.
They typically refer to accumulated possessions of gold and wealth.

Treasures stored in your heart are safe from thieves.
God wants us to treasure our faith.
He wants us to treasure
our desire for a closer communion with him.
He wants us to treasure
 the great love and mercy he gives to us. 
He wants us to treasure
 the stillness in our heart that knows he is our God.

...where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

God Blesses us in many ways,
but especially through what we treasure in our heart.
Notice what you treasure today and tuck them carefully into your heart.
Let them stay there and draw on them for your joy and happiness.

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