Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Grace Factor

Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and evangelist
~~~ Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13 ~~~ Psalm 19 ~~~ Matthew 9:9-13 ~~~ in a manner worthy of the call you have received...

Jesus invited his first twelve from different walks of life and occupations.
They were not all fishermen; Jesus wanted diversity.
He chooses Matthew called Levi, the tax collector.
Yesterday we looked at the issue of money and here
we see Jesus choosing a man who deals with money
every is his  job.

Tax collectors were not known for their honesty.
They routinely took advantage of the people because they could.
They had a position of authority
and no one wanted to associate with the tax collectors.

As soon as Jesus calls out to Matthew to follow him,
 he leaves behind his love of money.
Somehow he knew following Jesus was the right thing for his future.
In accepting his call he began to change his life.
Following Jesus meant he began to live a life worthy of the call.
He had knowledge of money and finances but now
he could see something higher.
Now he would experience the better way to live life.
He would see, as he accompanied Jesus, how
to treat others with love and mercy.
But grace was given to each of us
according to the measure of Christ’s gift.
 Matthew was given grace by God, but first
he had to accept the invitation.
Jesus is always extending the invitation to us to follow him.
Some respond quickly as Matthew did
others take a little more time like Paul.
Jesus surrounded himself with people who had different gifts.
For some Jesus needed to assure them that he would provide
the necessary grace for them to realize their gifts.  

Those who knew Matthew were surprised when they saw him with Jesus.
Jesus dined and socialized with those who were considered
sinners and outcasts;
for this he was judged and criticized. 
 Jesus told his critics...
Go and learn the meaning of the words,
I desire mercy, not sacrifice.
I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.
 That would be us...Jesus came to call us, we are all sinners.
He calls us and redeems us making us able to live worthy of his call.
We are only worthy of his call if we humbly accept his abundant grace.

His grace is pouring down upon us, open your heart and let it overflow.
Never under estimate the power of his grace.

Jesus Blesses those he calls with his Grace.
It is only by this grace that we can
begin to live in a manner worthy of his call.

You are called. You are given grace.
Now it is up to you.
Will you live in a manner worthy of your call? 

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