Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, September 13, 2013

Abundant Grace and Debris Removal

Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
~~~ 1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14 ~~~ Psalm 16 ~~~ Luke 6:39-42 ~~~
I am grateful to him who has strengthened me...
Several times in the last five years I can confirm that it was only
because of God giving me strength;
 I have carried on from one day to the next day.
I am truly grateful for the many experiences he has brought
 me into and led me through.
Some have been life changing others are a work in progress.
It is in times of trials and heartaches that we need the strength from God.
When things are going well we may not be as cognizant
of even having strength,
much less being grateful for it coming from God.
Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been abundant,
along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
It is the Lord who can counsel us.
It is the Lord who shows the path to life.

A blind person cannot lead the way.
If you are to be the leader you must be able to see where you are going. 
You cannot be the one who tells your friends
 their faults and sins when your own you overlook. 

It is easier to see someone else's faults.
It is easier to be critical of others.
It is easy to set higher standards for others
while excusing yourself.

Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye,
but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?

 Have you ever noticed that what bothers you the most in someone else
 is the very same thing you yourself struggle with every day.
 Or it is the same thing you deny is part of your list of faults.

I think back to the last supper, when Peter was so worried about
who was going to betray Jesus when in the end
 he too openly denied knowing Jesus.

Whether we are blind, trained, or riddled with splinters
it is the Lord was who reveals to us our faults and shortcomings.
 It is better for us to focus on our own faults
 before we begin to point out the faults of others.

Why is it that finding fault with others some how makes us feel better.
It seems a little arrogant. Or is it that we really
do not want to see our own faults?
 So we pretend they do not exist.
We actually get upset if someone notices the splinter in our eye.
 It is God who searches our heart. He knows our faults.
He knows everything about us.
He gives us the abundant grace to not only see our own wooden beams
but the strength to carefully remove them.
Blessings in God giving us the strength
to remove our own wooden beams.

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