Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Subdued in the Grass

~~~ Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~~~
~~Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29~~Psalm 68~~Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a~~Luke 14:1, 7-14~~
My child, conduct your affairs with humility,
and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts.
Humble yourself the more, the greater you are,
and you will find favor with God.
What feeling do you experience when you see or hear the word humility?
Are you comfortable with the idea of being humble?
Would you rather just skip it and move on with your life?
How is one to really be humble?
We hear in scripture about using our talents.
We hear the words 'well done'.
When we are complemented for a job well done how do we
simultaneously keep an attitude of humility?
These are challenging realities to consider if we listen well
 to Sirach and to the Gospel of Luke. is easy to recognize those who are humble.
In spite of their accomplishments
they do not take pleasure in telling others just how wonderful they are.
Instead they continue to move forward using their gifts and talents.
If you are truly humble you do not sit back and gloat
 over your accomplishments.
If you conduct yourself with humility you are honest
with yourself and before others.
A humble person recognizes the potential and contribution of others.
Whether you are a successful business leader, an athlete,
or a saint you did not get to where you are alone.
Jesus had every reason not to be humble
yet he humbled himself to become one of us...
he took on our flesh and blood.
He gave up his place beside the Father...there is
no greater example of humility.
Humility is not about denying our accomplishments;
it is about how we accept the credit.
I believe that all things are possible with God.
I believe that I can choose to allow the Holy Spirit
 to work good things through me.
We have all seen examples of anything but humility in people in all walks of life.
The CEO who only thinks of what he/she wants no matter what,
comes to my mind today.
I worked for a superintendent once who was a humble man...
he came in the back door unannounced,
walked through the schools telling us all what a great job we were doing.
He never boasted about what a good leader he was,
even though it was true.
When we can truly clothe ourselves in humility
we will no longer feel the need to boast about our accomplishments. 
Pride is like a snake hiding in the grass just waiting to uncoil for the strike.
We all know about pride; it takes vigilance to keep it subdued in the grass.
Blessings come in accomplishing good thing
 and then responding in humility.

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