Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, May 24, 2013

Treasure...Faithful Friend

~~~ Sirach 6:5-17 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ Mark10:1-12 ~~~
A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter;
he who finds one finds a treasure.
A faithful friend is beyond price...
If you have been fortunate enough to have developed
 a true lasting friendship in your life;
consider yourself blessed.
I can honestly say that I found the treasure of a true friend in my life.
I thank God for the gift of friends in my life.
Jesus calls us his friends.
A faithful friend is a pearl of great price.
For where your treasure is there also your heart will be nestled.
It is a wonderful blessing to share a real friendship with your spouse as well.
Some people are married but would not consider themselves friends.
If you are friends with your spouse then the marriage
will have the dynamics of friendship and marriage.
Jesus wants us to develop a true lasting friendship with him.
He is our treasure.
He is a sturdy shelter.
He never turns against us.
He only wants what is best for us.
He stands by to support us in times of distress. 
A faithful friend is without price because you cannot but love.
Friendship takes root in your heart.
Friendship expands who you are into someone better.
Friendship brings joy into your life.
Friendship embraces without shame or guilt.
Friendship encourages you to be the best you can be.
Our earthly friendships pale in comparison to the friendship
offered to us by God.
If you cannot believe that God wants to have a friendship with you
how could you recognize a human friendship? 
A kind mouth multiplies friends...
and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings.
A friendship begins with kind words, a simple gesture, and love.
A faithful friend is beyond price,
no sum can balance his worth.
 Protect and cherish you friends,
because there is nothing else in life than can compare. 
 All the riches and wealth in the world cannot equal even one true friend.
A true friend can actually be a life saver.
A true friend can calm the turbulent winds and subdue the waves.
God bless and keep my friends.
 They make my life so much more than it would have been
without their presence.
When you have a true and faithful friend
your life is profoundly changed forever.
 God has given me friends throughout my life
 to show me more about the friendship
he desires to have with me. 
Let your friends know how you feel about them often.
To all who are my friends...
a big hug and thank you for loving me
and encouraging me to reach higher.
~~~ Blessings ~~~ 

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