Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Seasoned with Salt

~~~ Sirach 5:1-8 ~~~ Psalm 1 ~~~ Mark 9:41-50 ~~~
In heaven we will be made whole and complete.
It may be necessary to take grave measures in order to remain steadfast
 on the path of following Jesus.
In the end we have been sent forth to be salt.
Salt a seasoning we find in every cuisine.
Salt is even used in recipes for desserts.
Salt somehow brings about balance in a recipe...
too much or not enough salt can completely change the taste of the dish.
So how can we be like salt?
Salt formations are rocks...hard and dense.
We find salt in the oceans, underground, and in the human body.
In fact we cannot survive without salt.
Sodium chloride contains two elements that the body cannot make itself. 
We are to be like salt for others.
We are to be strong as the salt found in caves.
We are to be there bearing witness to our faith.
We are to be consistent in our love and compassion for others.
Just as all people need salt to survive;
we all need to have God in our lives to survive also. 

 In order to be salt for others we must maintain our  prayer life.
We must develop our relationship with God.
If we become lax and complacent in our prayers and faith practices
it will be like salt that looses its flavor.
We must keep God in our hearts just as we must keep certain levels of salt
 for the health of our bodies.
Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another.
Which is a greater need salt or God?
One keeps your body in balance,
the other keeps your soul in balance.
Once salt is added to the other ingredients it cannot be seen.
It can only be tasted.
Once you have received the grace of God
your actions will reveal his presence.
It is only through the grace of God that you are who you are today.
Be some small way every day.

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