Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, May 20, 2013

Seeker of Wisdom

~~~ Sirach 1:1-10 ~~~ Psalm 93 ~~~ Mark 9:14-29 ~~~
It seems fitting that immediately following Pentecost we have these readings
 from Sirach on Wisdom.
Wisdom is typically referenced in the feminine form.
All wisdom comes from the one all-powerful God.
All wisdom comes from the LORD...
It is the LORD; he created her through the Holy Spirit,
has seen her and taken note of her.
Wisdom is generated through the Holy Spirit.
Wisdom is a gift we can consistently pray to receive more abundantly.
We can never have too much wisdom or enough wisdom.
Acquiring wisdom is an ongoing process.
We can never possess sufficient wisdom.
Wisdom is a deep understanding of people and things.
It is the Holy Spirit that gives us the grace to see things at a deeper level.
It is the Spirit that gives us insight where before it did not exist.
It is the Spirit that gives a deeper more profound understanding of our existence.
In looking back at the many readings from the Acts of the Apostles
it becomes clear that when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples they were changed.
The Spirit gave them courage and conviction like they never had before.
It was the power of the Holy Spirit that gave them healing abilities.
It was the same Holy Spirit that inspired them
 to continue to spread the word about Jesus
when they faced adversity.
Even though the disciples tried to expel demons from the young boy
they were not successful.
Jesus says...
 Everything is possible to one who has faith.
But he goes on to explain that sometimes it actually takes more than faith.
He said to them, “This kind can only come out through prayer.”
Jesus indicates that the predisposition to healing is rooted in prayer.
Your heart must be in a place of humble prayer.
It is through wisdom that one would make the connection
between faith and prayer.
They work together to produce positive results.
Jesus had the necessary wisdom to work wonders.
 I pray for a deeper understanding that comes through deeper wisdom.
one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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