Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Those Who Believe...Confirm

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 4:13-21~~~ Psalm 118 ~~~ Mark 16:9-15 ~~~
The first reports from those who met the Risen Jesus were not believed.
When you are faced with miracles and mysteries it is normal to skeptical.
It is normal to not believe.
But later, as the Eleven were at table, he appeared to them
and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart
because they had not believed those
who saw him after he had been raised.
It is difficult to not be believed when you are confident of what you are saying.
It is humbling to be rebuked by Jesus himself because of your disbelief.
He even scolds them for their hardness of heart.
Why did they not want to believe what Mary Magdalene and the two
who had walked to Emmaus?
Were they jealous that Jesus did not chose one of them to appear to?
Were they still holding Mary's past against her...
perhaps one of her demons had returned?
Were the two on the road just exhausted and seeing things?
Were they all just making these appearances happen because they wanted
and needed signs that Jesus was still with them?
Whatever the reason for their disbelief, it is clear that Jesus
had expected them to believe.
How can you go out and proclaim something you truly do not believe?
You cannot fake your belief in the Resurrection.
Someone will try to confuse and discredit you.
Jesus needed true believers to go out and spread the gospel.
He counted on his apostles to be the leaders for the rest of us.
Peter is most convicted by the truth of the Resurrection.
'...It is impossible for us not to speak
about what we have seen and heard.'
Peter now has the necessary strength to stand up for
what he knows to be true.
He will never again deny his association with Jesus.
The Holy Spirit has infused Peter with wisdom
and healing powers.
I pray to have a greater always be able
to speak the truths of the gospel.
To be a living example to all who meet me.
As a believer I know without a doubt that God is with me,
just as he is with each of you reading this today.
May God Bless you
 especially during the Easter season.

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