Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, March 23, 2013

We Are the Lost Boys and Girls

~~~ Ezekiel 37:21-28  ~~~ Jeremiah 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13 ~~~ John11:45-56 ~~~
Since the time of Ezekiel, God had a strong desire
for all the divisions among the people to be resolved.
God wanted the people to see what a waste it was for them
 to worship their idols of metal.
God has plans to deliver the people and to cleanse them of their sins.
God just wanted all his people to be one big happy family,
but it did not happen that way in the end.
So God sends down his son, Jesus, to implement his grand unity plan.
It is the same today when someone from the outside comes into an establishment
and begins to make radical changes.
Everyone else just watches shaking their heads in disbelief.
Let's face it Jesus was an outsider and he was stirring things up.
The Jews were getting nervous.
Their fears took control of their minds.
 Their ability to reason and understand things became greatly diminished.
When you are under stress your mental capacity is hampered. 
So the Jews began to meet and plot in small groups.
They discussed their plan of action to protect their interest.
If we leave him alone, all will believe in him,
and the Romans will come
and take away both our land and our nation.”
Terror on every side in their opinion.
who was high priest that year...
was the only person of authority who came close
to understanding what Jesus was doing,
and what his death was going to accomplish.
...he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation,
and not only for the nation,
but also to gather into one the dispersed children of God.
So from that day on they planned to kill him.

Jesus fled the area but still attended
amid the doubts that he would be a 'no show'.
By now Jesus must know the time is drawing near.
The tension was building to loud crescendo.
The cymbals were poised to be clashed together.
All that God wanted for his people became impossible
without the death of his son, Jesus.
Nothing that Jesus did really the Jews yet they let their fears
take over their reasoning ability.
They reverted to acting out of self preservation.
Indeed Jesus did die for a nation, but it did not stop there.
His death was for all of eternity.
Dear Lord, help me to appreciate what you have done for me...
especially when I gaze upon your crucifix.

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