Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, February 22, 2013

Chair For the Shepherd

~~~ Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle ~~~

~~~ 1 Peter 5:1-4 ~~~ Psalm 23 ~~~ Matthew 16:13-19 ~~~ 

Today the church celebrates the papacy of St. Peter.
Peter recognized Jesus for who he really was...
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
It was within this conversational context that Jesus gives Peter his name.
Jesus declares that Peter is the Rock upon which he will build his church.
Jesus gives Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
And  he gives Peter the power to forgive sins.

Peter now becomes the shepherd for the whole church.
Jesus knew that he was not going to be able to stay and participate in the
full growth of his church.
He had to make some important decisions before his death 
so that the structure of the church could be maintained.
Peter really was the most logical choice.
Peter was the successful fisherman businessman.
Peter was also the most impulsive.
Peter was the risk taker in the group.
Who else jumped out onto the water before thinking?
It was Peter of course.

Peter was given the task of leading the whole church.
He took the teachings of Jesus and preserved their essence for the future.

Peter goes on to instruct those who came after him as to their duties.
Their responsibilities to the people...
Tend the flock of God in your midst,
overseeing not by constraint but willingly...
as God would have it, not for shameful profit but eagerly.
Do not lord it over those assigned to you,
but be examples to the flock.
He goes so far as to urge them to be examples to all of us.
If you are the shepherd of the flock you are to a person of exemplary character.
This is not to say that they should be perfect, because we are all frail humans.
If you are to follow in the footsteps of Peter and sit in the
'Chair of Saint Peter' a certain standard of holiness is expected.

Sitting in the 'Chair of Saint Peter' comes with great humility.
It is a huge responsibility requiring much grace and physical stamina today.

Jesus chose Peter to be the first in a long succession to sit in his place...
to represent him here on earth.
It is much more than a mere piece of furniture that we celebrate today.
We celebrate the papacy itself and all that it represents today.

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