Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Carried on His Shoulders

~~~~ Philippians 3:3-8a ~~~ Psalm 105 ~~~ Luke 15:1-10 ~~~
"...The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus,
but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying,
"This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." "
Many people crowded around Jesus
 sometimes just to be in his presence.
It makes me believe that he must have been very charismatic.
People, even sinners and tax collectors, wanted to be with him.
Many were satisfied just to touch his clothing at times.
Today we get to picture Jesus seated with these despised
members of society sharing a meal with them.
He shares a meal in friendship and love with 'these' people.
As often happens when friends gather around the table stories are shared.
Jesus shares the story of the lost sheep and the lost coin.
You only look for something lost if it holds some meaning of value to you.
Jesus is saying the shepherd loves his single lost sheep
so much he takes the time to find him.
Not only does he find the poor lost sheep
he picks him up, drapes him across his shoulders
and carries him back to the safety of the herd.
This is the God who loves me even more than the shepherd
could possibly love his lost sheep.
The shepherd counts his sheep and notices he is one short.
He quickly goes out and combs the nearby area for the solitary sheep.
He repeatedly calls out to the sheep,
hoping that the sound of his familiar voice
will reach the ears of the lost one.
Is God calling to you?
Upon finding the sheep he is so joyful.
He reaches down and scoops up the sheep into his arms.
The sheep relaxes into the arms of his shepherd.
He does not struggle to escape...he is safe now.
The shepherd places the sheep around his neck,
legs stretched out across his shoulders.
He feels the weight, as the sheep completely rests on his shoulders.
Let God scoop you up into his arms.
He also feels the warmth of the body of his animal.
He feels the breeze from each exhaled breath.
He smells the hoofs which carried the sheep away.
'Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.'
Being returned to the flock brings peace and calm to the lost sheep.
He quickly mixes in with the herd exactly where he belongs.
This can be the story for every repentant sinner.
Once you let God find you and carry you back into his fold,
a new sense of peace can fill you.
One sheep who has strayed away from the safety of the flock
may not realize how at risk he has become.
When you are alone you are a much more
desirable target for danger to strike. 
You have lost not only the protection of the shepherd,
but you have also lost the protection from the rest of the flock.
"...I tell you,
there will be rejoicing among the angels of God
over one sinner who repents."
I invite you to spend time today reflecting on being draped lovingly
across the shoulders of the Lord.
Stay there awhile and feel his strength supporting the weight of your body.
Let him bring you back rejoicing!

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