Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Remnants Of...

~~~ Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 ~~~ Psalm 34 ~~~ Matthew 21:28-32 ~~~

Woe to the city, rebellious and polluted,
to the tyrannical city!

The city of Jerusalem is being rebuked by God.
They have failed because of their arrogance and their pride.
God could only satisfy their needs temporarily.
They were constantly looking for more.

When you are constantly looking for more you 
remove any chance of appreciating what 
you have been given.

 I will leave as a remnant in your midst
a people humble and lowly,
Who shall take refuge in the name of the LORD:
the remnant of Israel.

Remnant...a small remaining quantity of something...leftovers.

During the years when I was sewing,  I always 
 went to check out the fabrics on the remnant table.
Sometimes a couple yards of fabric was enough to make something,
even if it was just colorful place mats for the two of us.

Whenever carpet is installed the remnant carpet pieces
 make perfect rugs for the doorways. 
Shopping and using remnants helps
 to stretch your dollar
a little farther. 

Some dictionaries define remnants as a fragment or scrap.
You might say that Jesus reached out to the remnant people 
when he chose to hang out with the tax collectors and the prostitutes. collectors and prostitutes
are entering the Kingdom of God before you. 

Perhaps we ourselves might be considered
 to be a part of the 'remnant' peoples.
God was focused on saving the Israelites,
 but the plan did not work out too well.
Instead they rejected him with great vigor.

So he turned his focus for salvation on those who were not Israelites...
he chose to bring the gift of salvation to us.

Scientists rejoice when they uncover
 the remnants of a prior civilization.
Much can be learned from the time period by carefully
 studying the remnants.
Sometimes our whole society seems 
like a container for the remnants of the past.
When you consider how so many of the values within
 our society have deteriorated...
Today if you have strong values you are treated 
like you are from another era. 
Actually a remnant from the past.
Courtesy and simple human kindness 
have been shoved aside;
instead everyone just looks out 
for themselves at the cost of another.

Jesus reached out to the remnants of society...
he Blessed them with his love.
He Blesses us during this time of Advent.
Come, Lord Jesus, Come.
In stillness we wait for you to come.

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