Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Purified for His Reflection

~~~ Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 ~~~ Psalm 25 ~~~ Luke 1:57-66 ~~~

Yes, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts...
He will sit refining and purifying silver...

It takes many generations to prepare the way of the Lord, 
because none who had come before could compare with him.
His ways would revolutionize all that had been previously held.
Make way for the coming of the Lord.
He too is preparing us just as gold
 and silver is prepared.

Gold and silver are often found in the same ores.
It was necessary for a process of separation
 to be completed to extract the gold from the silver.
During this purifying process the metal is watched very closely
The process is done to purge away the impurities.

Before we come before the Lord
 we too must be purified from all of our impurities.
The closer the hour comes to our meeting 
with the Lord the greater our need to be purified.
God alone knows what impurities
must be removed from our soul.
This purification does not destroy rather
 it makes the soul more beautiful and pleasing to God.

I have heard that when the purifying process is completed 
the silversmith is able to see his own image reflected in the silver.

When God has finished purifying us his image will be reflected.
God must increase and we must decrease...
this is one way in which we can reflect his image.

Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.

May the Lord guide us in his ways of truth.
May the Lord teach us to be like him.
May the Lord show us the way to more complete union with him.
May we humbly allow him to lead our us.

The friendship of the LORD is with those who fear him...

It is with patient wonder and awe 
that we anticipate his coming.
He comes this week into our hearts under the appearance of an infant.
He comes to us every day even if we miss his arrival.
He comes to us in the Eucharist every time we receive.
Open your hearts.
The refiner is coming to make you more holy...
to purify your soul...

Blessings in the longing to reflect the image of God.
Come, Jesus, Come.
I humbly desire a greater friendship with you.

In stillness we wait for his Peace.

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