Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Philip Holds Bible Study Class

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 8:26-40 ~~~ Psalm 66 ~~~ John 6:44-51 ~~~
We continue with the message of Jesus being the Bread of Life.
The manna with which God fed the people in the dessert
cannot compare with the food that Jesus himself offers to us.
'...this is the bread that comes down from heaven
so that one may eat it and not die.'
Believing in this 'bread' requires a leap of faith. 
Both the manna and Jesus come down from heaven.
The people fed in the dessert eventually died,
but the bread Jesus offers is the bread of eternal life.
The death of our physical body is actually
what leads one into the land of the living.
Those in the land of the living have fed on the Bread of Life...
the Body and Blood of Jesus...
“Do you understand what you are reading?”
He replied,
“How can I, unless someone instructs me?”
So he invited Philip to get in and sit with him.
I never realized that this verse from the Acts of the Apostles
could be used to promote Bible study.
Every Sunday the homily is designed to give us
a better understanding of what we are hearing and reading that day.
Learning more about the meaning of the scriptures is something
we should want to be doing on a regular basis.
Today there are numerous resources to help
explain the meaning of the scriptures...
lectures, books, and even podcasts are available.
Some people believe the Bible is open
to whatever interpretation you choose.
That is not the same as believing that there is a personal message
within the daily scripture readings.
I have written here before about scripture being the living word of God.
To better understand the Bible, however, there needs to be
 a knowledge of the historical period.
A good bible study class can fill in the gaps
and help us appreciate the context of the time.
Many things that Jesus says to the officials can only be fully appreciated
 if you have the Old Testament meaning.

Context is critical to understanding.
Context is essential to a deeper meaning.
We too can be asked,
“Do you understand what you are reading?”
We are in a position to seek understanding...we do not have to wait...
we can take the initiative for ourselves.
I pray that you will have the desire
for a better understanding of the scriptures.
If the desire is present then you will be open
 to the resources available to you.
The Easter Blessing
 for a deeper understanding today.

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