Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, April 5, 2013

Breakfast on the Beach

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 4:1-12 ~~~ Psalm 118 ~~~ John 21:1-14 ~~~
Jesus appears for the third time following his Resurrection.
Jesus goes out to the sea shore. There he will find his beloved fisherman followers.
He goes out to them. Jesus knows that they must return to their work.
For three years they have spent most of their time on the road accompanying Jesus.
Now that he is gone things must return to the previous normalcy.
My own father was an avid fisherman. It was not his occupation,
but we did benefit from his weekly fishing trips.
I am spoiled with fresh fish and shrimp.
My dad could have spent every weekend out in his boat fishing.
I think he found peace and quiet out on the water.
It gave him time to reflect.
He was connecting with God in nature.
He also had his ice chest on board filled
with his favorite beverage, beer.
Peter and the others had experienced Jesus on those very waters...
he calmed their fears by taming the rough seas...
he blessed their catch with bulging nets.
They had fond memories with Jesus in that boat.
Now each time they are in this boat these memories of Jesus can bring them
comfort, hope, and strength to carry on.
Their work as fishermen is now part of their faith in God.
One of the best things you can do for yourself after losing a loved one
is to get back to your normal routine as soon as possible.
So it is not surprising that Peter and the others soon return to their fishing boats.
When Jesus walks toward them on the beach that morning;
at first they cannot make out who it is in the distance.
As soon as Jesus begins a conversation with them about their catch
John realizes it is the Lord.
Their catch that day is great; their nets once again were near bursting.
Jesus calls them children.
Jesus said to them,
“Children, have you caught anything to eat?”
He invites them to share in breakfast which he has prepared for them.
He comes to them and cooks right there on the beach.
Jesus is the Bread of Life.
He is giving himself to them as nourishment even while blessing their work.
They may have returned to their work in the midst of their grieving,
but Jesus met them there with blessings.
Jesus restored their joy with his presence...
his words...the many fish they caught...
and in the food he fed them.
And none of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?”
because they realized it was the Lord.
Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them,
and in like manner the fish.
Jesus comes to us in all places.
His presence is not restricted to the church structure.
Whenever he comes we are blessed and filled in mind, body, and soul.
 Jesus is the Bread of Life.

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