Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Lift Up Your Soul

~~~ Isaiah 58:9B-14 ~~~ Psalm 86 ~~~ Luke 5:27-32 ~~~

Gladden the soul of your servant,
for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.

Sometimes the best thing to do visit a loved one in the hospital.
Today I visited a friend recently hospitalized with the
 unexpected diagnosis of cancer.

My intention was to pray with her and for her and her husband.
I opened the pink printed prayer blanket over her tiny
body silently covering her in prayer.

She raised her eyes and with a smile she thanked me.
This is what we are called to do...
visit the sick...

We are called to be used as God's instrument;
we are invited to share God's joy.

We are called to gladden the soul of a friend in need.

We are called to lift up the heart of a friend.

Hearken, O LORD, to my prayer
and attend to the sound of my pleading.

Lord bless those who are sick and in need of your healing
especially your beloved daughter, Nancy.

Grant your peace...fill her heart...calm her fears...
Allow her to believe in your constant presence.

Guide her care givers to be your hands, Lord.
Direct her doctors to the best possible course of treatment.

We know, Lord, that you send special blessings
 when those we love are in the eye of the storm.

We believe that you can make all things new.
We believe that just the touch of your tassel has power to heal.

We trust that your will be done...
that all will be well.

Gladden the soul of your servant...

Blessings and Peace!

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