Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, February 13, 2015

"Do Not Touch"

~~~ Genesis 3:1-8 ~~~ Psalm 32 ~~~ Mark 7:31-37 ~~~


God placed in the garden all that was needed 
to sustain life for his new creatures.
All that he created was good and beautiful...
maybe a little too beautiful.
The special tree with the juicy fruit was placed 
in the center of the garden by God.
The serpent also knew about this tree and its fruits.
The serpent also knew what God had told the couple.

‘You shall not eat it or even touch it, lest you die.’

This was some tree...not only were they forbidden to eat the fruit, 
they were not to even touch it. 
I have been into a few expensive gift shops with 
'Do Not Touch' signs near some items.
This tree was inviting, but God had labeled it
'Do Not Touch'

In slinks the serpent using his forked tongue
 to contradict the very words of God.
He slithers up to the woman and convinces her 
that God was not really serious about not 
eating from this one tree.
He tells her it is just foolish to believe that God 
would deprive them of this luscious fruit.

This is the very same thing that happens to us 
when we fail to follow God's commands.
Somehow we fool ourselves into believing 
that God was not serious or that he meant something else 
or that he was not talking to me.

Ultimately we reach out pick the fruit, consume the fruit
and things become very messy.
We may find temporary pleasure but in the end; 
we have disobeyed God.

When they heard the sound of the LORD God 
moving about in the garden at the breezy time of the day,
the man and his wife hid themselves from the LORD God
among the trees of the garden.

The choices we make against the commands of God
eventually open our eyes to our own weakness and sinfulness.
God comes to the man and the woman at the breezy time of the day.
Perhaps it is evening and the sun is about to set...
the cool breeze is passing over the land...
the day is drawing to a close.

God did not want Adam and Eve to hide themselves.
He does not want us to hide ourselves from him either.
God will never leave the garden.
He will never abandon us even when we disobey his commands.

God comes to us at the breezy time of the day
even if that is when we lie upon our death bed.

When you are tempted by juicy fruit, disobeying God,
remember the 'Do Not Touch' sign.

God knows our weakness and he also knows the serpent 
of temptation can paint an inviting picture to entice us.

Just as Jesus opened the ears of the deaf he opens our hearts
 to see where we have touched and eaten the forbidden fruit.

With our hearts opened we can seek forgiveness...
and be convicted to turn away from our sins.

God Blesses us with his forgiveness.
He comes into the garden and calls to us.


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