Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What is the Mix?

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 3:11-26 ~~~ Psalm 8 ~~~ Luke 24: 35-48 ~~~

The Apostles were in such shock at all they had experienced.
Jesus washed their feet, shared his own body and blood, was arrested,
mocked, scourged, nailed to a cross.
They were so overwhelmed. Their faith could have been in jeopardy.
In his great love, Jesus helped them make the transition.
He used his human body to support his resurrection.
He was not a ghost he appeared to them in his flesh...his human form. 

"Peace be with you."

He did not want them to be fearful or sad.
He wanted them to understand all that the prophets had foretold.
He wanted their hearts to be opened to the fullness of the prophecies.

 “Why are you troubled?
And why do questions arise in your hearts?

The questions arising in their hearts were coming from
 their doubts and dis-beliefs.
We know oil and water do not mix.
The oil floats on the top, even after it has been mixed into the water.
So it is with doubt; doubt is like the oil.
We can always convince ourselves that we have reason to doubt...
Sometimes this doubt get mixed into our reservoir of faith.
We must trust that the Peace of God
will keep our doubts from mixing into our faith.

Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.

Jesus used his appearances after the resurrection to reveal himself.
He gives disciples the reassurances they needed.
He had truly been raised from the dead on the third day
 just as the Scriptures had said.

They had no reason to doubt; his appearances confirmed his resurrection.
He spoke with them, he ate with them, he let them
touch his resurrected body.

He opened their hearts and their faith increased;
leaving less room for the prior doubts.

Jesus wants to bless us more completely each day.
Allow his presence to remove your doubts.
Allow this season of Easter to increase your faith.

It is His peace that we must give to one another.

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