Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Welcoming the Gentiles

~~~ Fourth Sunday of Easter ~~~
~~~ Acts of the Apostles 13:14, 43-52 ~~~ Psalm 100 ~~~
~~~ Revelation 7:9, 14B-17 ~~~ John 10:27-30 ~~~

My sheep hear my voice;
I know them, and they follow me.

The Acts of the Apostles continue to inspire us
with the enthusiastic growth of the church.
Paul and Barnabas are thrilled to be received
by crowds of people starving for the gospel news. 

I imagine it was a little like our current campaign rallies.
Paul would say a few words about Jesus and the crowd
 would cheer in response.

People came to hear their message;
they also thought it was necessary for them
 to convert to Judaism.
Paul says wait,
 now we are speaking to you, the Gentiles.
The Jews were given their chance but now we want you.

The good shepherd takes care of all of his sheep.
He learns to recognize each one of his sheep
and in turn the sheep learn to recognize his voice.

I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
I know my sheep, and mine know me.

The Gentiles learned to recognize
 the good news of Redemption.
They were so very delighted.

They celebrated and gladly went about
sharing what they had been told.

The disciples were filled with joy 
and the Holy Spirit.

In spite of being rejected by the Jews
 the movement did not stop.
Paul and Barnabas were on a roll
and they kept on going with fervor.

They gained more faith the more
they preached the good news.

We are his people, the sheep of his flock.

Jesus has claimed us all as his sheep.
He will never let us be taken
out of his hand.

The Good Shepherd cares for all his sheep.
When one is lost he searches for it.
When the thief comes in the night he is
there to protect.
When one is hurt he tends to it.

He does the same for each of us.
He is our personal Good Shepherd
in today's crazy mixed up world we live in.

We are all in need of a Good Shepherd
 to guide us to green pastures and fresh water.

Blessed are we to have a Good Shepherd
who is also our God.
Our God who promises to wipe away every tear...
to shelter protect and save us.
Our God who gives us life eternal.


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