Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, April 1, 2016

Breakfast on the Beach

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 4:1-12 ~~~ Psalm 118 ~~~
~~~ John 21:1-14 ~~~

The third appearance of the Risen Jesus.

Peter announces that he is going fishing.
He wants to return to his normal life of fishing.
Returning to your familiar routine helps 
when you are feeling depressed.
Sometimes you just need to go through the actions.

Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.”
They said to him, “We also will come with you.”

They all climbed into the boat together to fish.
Water had been so important during the ministry of Jesus
Jesus had calmed the sea one night when he was 
with them in this very boat.

They could recall how when they were not catching any fish
 it was Jesus who filled the net to near it's breaking point.

In the boat, in the water, together Jesus had calmed their fears.
It was Jesus who told them not to be afraid 
when the stormy waters were threatening
 to capsize the boat.

Here they were able to find some peace.

After fishing all night in the dark their net was empty.

At dawn a figure on the beach, 
whom they did not recognize as Jesus,
asked them if they had caught any fish.

Even when Jesus suggests they might cast 
the net on the right side of the boat;
they did not recognize him.

So they cast it, and were not able to pull it in
because of the number of fish.

Now John exclaimed aloud to Peter...
“It is the Lord.”

Peter leaped from the boat and run to the beach.
The others followed dragging the net over flowing with fish.
The net was so swollen with the catch that it was near ripping apart.

That morning Jesus cooked them breakfast.
The morning they sat around the fire with Jesus.
That morning they had time to talk with Jesus.

That morning they were once again filled
 with so much joy that their hearts were near bursting.
That morning they believed that all would be well.

That morning Jesus fed the disciples bread and baked fish.
He once again reveals himself in the manner
 in which they would identify him as the Teacher, Jesus.

Today in Mass the breaking of the bread
connects us with the times Jesus himself broke bread.
It connects us with those who come to 
the table of the Lord to be fed.

Jesus fed his disciples on the beach that morning
just as he continues to feed us Eucharist.

The connection we have with the events in 
Scripture is real and meaningful.

I invite you to picture yourself sitting on the beach...
see the whole fish resting upon the smoldering hot coals...
hold up your hand to receive the bread from
the hand of Jesus.

The time to rejoice is now as 
you take and eat.

We are so Blessed to have these wonderful Scriptural
 accounts of Jesus returning to be with his disciples.

Feel the beach sand between your toes
as you consume the tender fish.

Jesus fulfills all our 
physical and emotional needs.

Let us be glad and Rejoice in the Lord...

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