Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, June 5, 2015

Happily Ever After

Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr
~~~ Tobit 11:5-17 ~~~ Psalm 146 ~~~ Mark 12:35-37

Tobit went back in, rejoicing and praising God with full voice 
for everything that had happened.

At last the story of Tobit comes to a happy ending for all.
His sight is restored by the power of God through 
the hands of his own son, Tobiah.
His wife is filled with great joy and thanksgiving.
His son marries Sarah who had been caught in the net of evil.

This is just the kind of story that exemplifies the Resurrection story.
In the end Jesus was raised from the dead...
in the end Tobit sees daylight once the end 
Sarah is given to a holy man in marriage.

It may be true that every story does not appear
 to have a happy ending; but that may not be the case.

Tobit, Tobiah, and Sarah remained firm in their faith 
and belief in the goodness of God.
Even though they were tempted to turn away from God 
during their times of trial, they did not.

Sometimes all that we can do is to wait on God.
Tobit waited for four years for God to restore his vision.
He was a good man whom God plunged into darkness.
For four years he was dependent on others to lead him around.

Sarah's father persevered through 
seven husbands before God sent Tobiah.
Raquel could have resigned himself to never seeing
 his daughter wedded to a good man.

The situations in this story are very familiar in many ways.
Think about your own life,
is there something in this story
 that parallels a situation in your like?

We all want the 'happily ever after'
experience in our life.
The fairy tales make it seem so real.

The LORD gives sight to the blind.
The LORD raises up those who are bowed down;

There is nothing wrong with longing for the 'happily ever after'
if we are also willing to be patient...
as long as we are willing to wait on God.

In due time the Blessings of 'happily ever after'
come to those who keep their faith.


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