Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Greatest Proof

~~~ Galatians  4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1 ~~~ Psalm 113 ~~~ Luke 11:29-32 ~~~

How could anyone who was born free chose to become a slave?
Paul is asking the people why they would want
 to return to the slavery of the law.
Paul is pleading with his followers, the Galatians...
I have become as you followers of Christ.
Paul is urging the people to look forward,
not to regress to what was of old.

The promise of God was passed down through Abraham
by his child Isaac, born of Sarah a free woman.

Therefore, brothers and sisters,
we are children not of the slave woman
but of the freeborn woman.

As human beings we are constantly looking for proof.
We want proof that what we are told and/or
what we believe is real and true.
Sometimes we must allow our faith to supersede proof.
We are not always going to get a sign of validation.

The Jews had Jesus, the Messiah...the greatest proof
standing right before their eyes and they still demanded more proof.
They were used to having God himself give the stamp of approval...
They could not recognize proof in the person of Jesus himself.
Jesus must have been frustrated and disappointed by their ignorance.
They were rigid and narrow minded in their beliefs.

The proof that Jesus was representing was greater
than their heads could comprehend.
There in lies the problem, they were caught up in their heads.
They wanted to have a reason for everything.
They wanted to find their proof in the laws that they
themselves had created in the past.

Jesus was the living sign of the Redemption for all people.
Jesus stood before the people as a message for them to repent.
Just as Jonah had proclaimed to the people of Nineveh. 

Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites,
so will the Son of Man be to this generation.

Jesus is saying....I am the sign.
Jesus is the sign for us today as well,
one major difference...
we have the crucifix...
we have the proof of his body hanging from the cross.

Sadly there are still many who do not accept
 this image of reality as enough proof.
I pray that we see clearly the immense proof of our salvation
 by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

We are Blessed beyond any means of proof.
Any proof of our salvation that we could seek
would be inadequate compared to the reality of the love it is.

God so loved the world.
God so loved you.

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