Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Eternal Coach

~~~ Ephesians 4:7-16 ~~~ Psalm 122 ~~~ Luke 13:1-9 ~~~

But I tell you, if you do not repent,
you will all perish as they did!

Jesus was honest and sometimes considered blunt.
It reminds me of tough love...Was Jesus using "tough love"?
Tough love... is an expression used when someone treats 
another person harshly or sternly with the intent 
to help them in the long run.

It is typical after the tough love is dispensed to feel upset.
If Jesus was using 'tough love' he did not know it 
because it was first used in 1968 by the author of the book Tough Love.

Jesus was intending his words to be a warning
 for us to change our ways.
He might have been intending to scare 
his opponents into making a change.

Perhaps Jesus was giving out a warning
 to those who were not taking him seriously.
Parents and coaches are among those who make use of 'tough love'.
Jesus is almost like a coach for our soul.
Our Eternal Coach, because he wants nothing 
more than to make it to heaven.

Do you believe the words Jesus spoke in the Bible?
Do you feel those words were addressed
  just to the people who were listening that day?

It seems that Jesus delivered a very strong message of grim
 dire consequences if we do not repent.

Repentance is a change of heart that allows us to get closer to God.
Without a change of heart there is no repentance.
It is easy to see why others should repent, a little harder
 to see why we should repent.

Later in this gospel we hear about the fig tree
 being given another chance.
The poor fig tree had not been bearing fruit;
  the order was given for it to be cut down.

The fig tree was given more time for the owner
 to cultivate and fertilize the ground
Jesus gives us extra time 
to repent through the words 
of his warning.

The Eternal Coach is treating us with 'tough love' 
because he knows the rewards for getting to heaven 
are so worth whatever it takes to change.
Jesus himself is making an earthly request, repent, 
to attain our heavenly goal.
If anyone is capable of coaching us into heaven
 it can be no other than Jesus himself. the truth in love,
we should grow in every way into him 
who is the head, Christ...

Living in truth we have the courage to repent.
It takes 'tough love' sin order for us to grow to our full potential.

Blessed with 'tough love' from the Eternal Coach.
The message is repent we want you in heaven.

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