Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Access Granted

~~~ Ephesians 6:1-9 ~~~ Psalm 145 ~~~ Luke 13:22-30 ~~~

"Strive to enter through the narrow gate..."

If you have ever been to a ticketed event
you are well aware of the narrow gate. 
Everyone seeking access must pass
 through the turnstiles before entering the arena.
Often your personal items are inspected
or you must have them in a transparent pouch.
We have come to accept this
even as it seems like an invasion of privacy.

We have been given the ticket to enter into the Kingdom of God,
and we must pass through the narrow gate.
Why is the gate narrow?
Once we gain entry can we breathe a sigh of relief?
Is there only one path leading to this narrow gate?
At some point do all paths merge into one?

Sometimes we want to cut corners; we look for the wide open back door.
We might even volunteer to usher as our way of gaining admittance.
When it comes to getting into heaven
 Jesus made it easy and difficult at the same time.
Sometimes we might even try to smuggle things
 through the gate by hiding them in our pockets.
What are the slight imperfections you want ignored as you seek
 entry through the narrow gate?

Jesus meant it when he said take nothing for the journey.
We cannot get through this narrow gate with any extra baggage.
The gate into heaven requires 'sincerity of heart'
before it is opened...before access is granted.
We cannot fool the Lord our God.

As we make our way toward this narrow gate
we must constantly leave behind those things which weigh us down.
This journey may take years, thus there is no good reason to carry
that which does not help us gain entry.

The longer we are on this journey towards the narrow gate
 the more we come to realize that we must be
willing to do the will of God.
Not just when it suits us or meets our needs.
Conforming to the will of the Father is not
always going to be convenient.

Before we enter into this gate
we must lay down everything before the Lord.
Whatever burdens we are carrying must be flushed from our souls.
To enter through the narrow gate we must be purified by His grace.
Sometimes this purification comes in the form of fire.

Imagine getting all the way to the gate only to be turned away.
How heart rending that would be.
Would you try to talk your way inside?
How many excuses would you conjure in your mind?

Have no fear,
God does want you to enter through the narrow gate.
He is expecting us to take advantage of every little clue...
each tiny grace insuring entrance into the Kingdom Arena.

Blessed to carry only what is needed
to get through the gate.
Eager to hear "Access Granted".

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